In 1940s, Felix Bloch working at stanford university and Edward Purcell from harvard university independent of each other, described a physicochemical phenomenon which was based on the magnetic properties of certain nuclei in the periodic system. For his discoveries, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944. He also succeeded in determining the magnetic moments of the nuclei. He is famous in the field of NMR for the so-called larmor equation, which states that the frequency of precession of the nuclear magnetic moment ( ω) is directly proportional to the product of the magnetic field strength (B0) and the gyromagnetic ratio ( γ ): ω = γB0.Īn Austrian, Isidor Rabi (1898–1988) working in the Department of Physics at Columbia University in New York, discovered a way to detect and measure single states of rotation of atoms and molecules. He also explained the splitting of spectrum lines by a magnetic field. The unit strength of a magnetic field is the Tesla (1 Tesla = 1 Newton/Ampere-meter) and is named after Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) who discovered the rotating magnetic field.Īn Irish physicist, Sir Joseph Larmor (1857–1942) discovered a way to calculate the rate at which energy is radiated by an accelerated electron. Later this discovery made rapid processing of phase and frequency signals possible in NMR. The history of NMR (known as MRI) begins with a french mathematician Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768–1830) who developed a mathematical method to analyze the heat transfer between solid bodies. Over the years, the understanding of magnet has increased and many applications have developed. Magnets were first discovered by the Romans more than 2000 years ago. A final section gives detail about MRI artefacts and correction strategies. In the Anatomy section, labelled images give a clear guide to cross-sectional anatomy in different planes, while the Pathology section will show the distinctive characteristics of particular pathologies as imaged using different sequences.
#Scan master how to
In the Planning section you will find full explanations and illustrations of how to plan MRI scans of different parts of the body, together with suitable protocols and parameters. The Technical section will tell you how to manipulate parameters to produce good diagnostic scans, and how to deal with artefacts. By clicking on the Characterized Images tab, you will be able to look at typical images produced by the different sequences and learn about the basic physics of each one. is easy to find your way around using the tabs at the top of this page. We hope you will find this site useful, whether you are an MRI radiographer, radiography student, radiologist, medical student or just plain curious…. Our aim is to provide a clear and easily accessible guide to many of the practical aspects of MRI, available at the click of a button on a single site.